This Side of Third

…and second

Twitter Love?


The Twittersphere is all abuzz (a-tweet?) with ideas for educators.  But do the majority of teachers realize this?  I didn’t, until last summer.  I’d never even considered it until a coworker suggested it.  I assumed Twitter was for Hollywood-types, and people who followed the Kardashians (for whatever reason).  Twitter for teachers?  Huh.

This same co-worker not only clued me in to Twitter, he told the entire staff. Guess how many teachers signed up….5.  I’m not sure why more people didn’t sign up.  Admittedly, I’m a nerd and love techie stuff, especially Internet related.  Maybe it’s because my fellow educators don’t understand the whole Twitter thing, or the wealth of information out there.

Honestly, I’m not even sure I love Twitter.  I like it.  I use it.  I wish I used it more, but I forget it’s there for long stretches of time.  There are so many social/Web2.0/PLN options out there for us that I can’t always keep up with all of the information available.

Part of me is excited to have one more source of (geeky Internet) information.  On the flip side, I have one more thing that I need to take care of and handle.  Teachers always seem to have that One More Thing.

So is it Twitter Love?  Not yet.  I’ll call it a Twitter Crush.

by posted under Teachers, Teaching, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to

“Twitter Love?”

  1. October 14th, 2014 at 8:42 am      Reply Sue Waters Says:

    Hi Cynthia

    Thanks for reflecting on what twitter means to you!

    Love the term Twitter Crush! It is a great way to describe what twitter is like when you first start using it. Liking it but not quite sure where it will go and if you will fall in love or get over the crush.

    The number of teachers who signed up for twitter from the session doesn’t surprise me. It is generally a combination of reluctant technology user or saying they don’t have time for it. It’s hard to explain how Twitter can save time in your teaching practice because it is something you need to experience.

    The key with using twitter for yourself is to find things that save time. Things that work for me are using twitter apps on my mobile devices, using Tweetdeck app on my computer and using Flipboard to pull links into a magazine to easily read articles. So my advice is to work out ways that save you time.

    Sue Waters
    Support Manager
    Edublogs | CampusPress

  2. October 17th, 2014 at 7:09 pm      Reply Cyndi Says:

    Thanks for the tips!

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